Jackson Sumner & Associates (JSA) P&C Underwriters understand that the less time you spend on submissions, the more business you can write. To help you optimize your time, our team created a comprehensive checklist to ensure your P&C submission is sound.

Time is money, plain and simple. For retail agents that write P&C business, you want your quotes easy, neat, and fast.

We get it! The Jackson Sumner & Associates (JSA) P&C Underwriters understand that the less time you spend on submissions, the more business you can write. Since we work with a wide variety of carriers, we need certain information to really know if it’s a good fit for our E&S market.

To help you optimize your time, our team created a quick checklist of information we need to start writing business for you.

A Checklist for Submitting a P&C Quote

  • A brief summary detail of the risk
  • Complete description of all their operations and products being manufactured
  • If Liability: employee payroll and/or gross sales
  • If Property: C.O.P.E – Construction type, Occupancy, Protection class, and Exposure
  • If it’s not a new venture, who is the current carrier?
  • Is the current carrier getting off this risk?
  • Have there been any losses?
  • Where is the price “sweet-spot” to make this a viable submission?
  • What markets has it been shopped in already?

TIP: Write all of the above to us in an e-mail for an even speedier experience.
And that is all there is to it! After that, just sit back, relax, and wait for the experts to get back to you.

Have questions about writing P&C business?

Contact any of our P&C Underwriters.