
Odette Pinske
Odette PinskeSupport Staff

Current Status

Some of my highlights

  • Hometown: Quebec, Canada
  • Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Coffee
  • Favorite Sport to Watch: Hockey
  • Favorite TV Show: Hawaii Five-O
  • Favorite Smell: Clothes off the line from outside
  • Dream Job as a little Girl: Airline Stewardess
  • Strangest Food Eaten: Moose Fondue
  • Favorite Flower: Queen Anne’s Lace
Odette is a native of Quebec, Canada, which makes her a can-am. She has been with  JSA since 2014.  She is part of “FIT” team as Wayne calls it, or the First Impression Team, and loves chatting with all our agents.
She is happily married and has a Malamute named Sitka, a Great Pyrenees named George, and a cat named Minou.