You may know that Jackson Sumner and Associates takes our in-house Halloween Costume Contests very seriously. We allow YOU to vote on your favorite and the JSA winner has bragging rights – that they exercise often and loudly – all year long.  We often say that who we dress up as for Halloween is the closest to our true selves, but we’ll leave that for you to decide.

We are glad that you enjoy our creativity and participate in some of what makes our workplace so unique. So today, we just had to do a Throwback Thursday to our first ever Halloween Costume Contest in 2007. Below, pictured clockwise from top left: Chief Operations Officer Danielle Wade as a Ladybug; Transportation Underwriter Cindy Kale as Bride of Frankenstein; P&C Underwriter Haley Everett as Hannah Montana; Chief Information Officer Brian Lambeth as Dead Santa; P&C Underwriter Cheryl Jones as a Japanese Geisha; Support Staffer Linda Campbell as a Cavewoman; and VP of Operations Mimi Dobbins as The Grapes of Wrath. (There were more, and you can view them all here)

We will have our 12th Annual contest’s characters posted at on October 31st (one day only) so you can vote for your favorite! Last year, over 1,500 votes were cast, and in 2013 we were featured in this article from Insurance Business America. Enjoy taking a look back at some of the costumes from years past to get a good laugh.

To add to the fun this year, we will also be having our first-ever Agency Costume Contest, where you can submit your agency’s costumed characters for the JSA employees to vote on. The winning agency gets a free lunch for their office courtesy of JSA, so dress up and WIN!